I know, as a founder, you’re probably juggling a million things and the idea of adding AI to the mix might feel overwhelming. But here’s the thing – it’s not as complicated as you might think. In fact, it could be just the game-changer your business needs.

We’re living in a time where customer behaviour is shifting faster than ever. Most of our strategies still rely on keywords for Google search results, but I believe that’s changing rapidly. The future of marketing is all about having conversations with AI, and this shift is transforming how we approach our marketing strategies.

Think about it this way, we’re now moving from a world of search to a world of conversation. Instead of just optimising for keywords, we need to think about how we can be part of the conversations that customers are having with AI. This is what I call conversation-led marketing, and it’s where I see the future heading.

Now, you might be wondering why this matters for your business. Let me give you an example. The other day, I was planning a budget trip to Italy. Instead of spending hours on Google, clicking through different travel sites and piecing together an itinerary, I just had a chat with a travel co-pilot I built. And you know what? It gave me a full itinerary with hotel links and restaurant recommendations, all tailored to my budget. It was impressive how quickly it pulled everything together, understanding exactly what I was looking for without me having to use specific keywords or search terms.

So, what does this mean for your business? Well, it’s pretty exciting for a few reasons:

First, it’s a massive time-saver. Imagine cutting your proposal writing time from two hours to just five minutes. That’s not just a small improvement – it’s a complete transformation of how you work.

Second, it allows for personalisation at scale. You can tailor your marketing to each customer without having to clone yourself. AI can help you understand and respond to individual customer needs in ways that were never possible before.

Third, it’s cost-effective. You can stretch your marketing budget further than ever. Instead of spending money on broad, untargeted campaigns, AI helps you create highly targeted, effective marketing strategies.

And finally, it helps you stay competitive. As more businesses start adopting AI for marketing, getting started now positions you for future success.

So, how do you get started? Don’t worry, I’ve got you covered. Let’s keep it simple:

  1. Start by looking at what you’re already doing. What are your business goals? What marketing activities are you currently engaged in? Who’s responsible for what? What processes do you have in place? Jot all this down – it’ll make the next steps easier.
  2. Now, look at your notes and ask yourself: Which tasks are eating up most of your time? What do you struggle with? Where do you feel you could do better? These are the areas where AI could really help.
  3. Pick one area to focus on. You don’t have to change everything overnight. Maybe start with creating social media content, or perhaps email marketing. Whatever it is, just choose one thing to begin with.
  4. This is where you get to play around. Set aside some time each week to experiment with AI tools. It doesn’t have to be long – even 30 minutes on a Sunday afternoon is enough to get started. Try using an AI tool to create a LinkedIn post. See how it goes, tweak it, make it your own. Remember, AI is here to help you, not replace your unique voice.

So how do you achieve this with LaunchLemonade?

Once you have identified the areas you want to focus on, start building your AI copilots that will help you expedite the tasks process. For example:

a. Build a LinkedIn copilot that will help you create LinkedIn content at scale

b. Build a bid-writer that will turn a conversation into a proposal in minutes

c. Build a Growth strategist that understands your goals and can analyse your data so you can optimise on the go.

I get it – this can all feel like a lot. But remember, you don’t have to do everything at once. Start with one tool and get comfortable with it before moving on to the next. Set realistic goals – maybe aim to create one AI-assisted piece of content per week to start with. Don’t expect perfection. Your first AI-generated content might need some tweaking, and that’s okay! Use it as a starting point and add your own style.

It can be really helpful to connect with other founders who are learning about AI. Join a community where you can share tips, celebrate wins, and support each other. And keep learning – the AI world is always changing, so stay curious and open to new developments.

I know change can be scary. But as founders, we’re used to taking on new challenges. Embracing AI in your marketing is just another way to stay ahead of the game. Remember, AI is here to help you work smarter, not harder. It’s about freeing up your time so you can focus on growing your business and making an impact.

So, are you ready to give AI marketing a try? It’s not as daunting as it seems, and who knows? You might even enjoy it.

The future of marketing is here, and it’s got AI written all over it. But with your creativity and a bit of tech magic, there’s no limit to what we can achieve. Let’s do this!